Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hey everybody, how ya doin?

I think that if you are a democrat, you would be feelin' good right about now. Especially after last weeks speech by our president to be, Obama. I was almost cryin' tears of joy, when I heard him speak last Thursday. America has been waiting 232 years to hear that speech from a presidential candidate. Even here in Netsville I would say that I almost had a 400MB tear count, which is a lot of virtual water to be pixelatin' about.

Well...speaking of water...New Orleans is getting ready for Hurricane Gustav to show up. And we New Orlean natives know a little somethin' about that, as you may probably understand. The newspapers are reminding us about that particular fact. Here is part of an article I found from way over in San Francisco's on line news service:

"McCain, his wife Cindy, and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, toured the emergency management center in Mississippi, a state that could be hit hard by the approaching hurricane.

The Bush White House and Republicans in general are still shadowed by criticism of their handling of relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and parts of the Mississippi Gulf Coast three years ago. Party leaders fear that televised scenes of celebrations and partying at the convention could subject them to similar criticism now."

Looks like the hurricane don't want McCain, huh? McCain didn't plan on THIS, now did he. And so it looks like the republicans are gonna have to experience a little karmic responsibility, as they have to post pone their coven meeting.

Meanwhile, this song is already runnin' through the good folks minds about LAST hurricane.

A little song by Kansas Joe and Memphis Minnie

-When The Levee Breaks-

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