Monday, August 18, 2008

Butt pads

Hey everybody!
How y'all doin' today?

I was readin' this here article that I found on the googly web. It made me look in the mirror with a thought that has never crossed my mind before , as a man. And remember, I'm not even alive, technically. But regardless of my virtuality, there I was...staring over my shoulder wondering about my own backside! How many times have you heard a woman ask you about the shape and the weight of theirs? And how important it is to them and how RIDICULOUS it sounds to you.
To turn around and read an article about, now this is what it ready for this? Butt pads! For men!
Some lady in Indianna told her husband that he is, uh...lacking in the back pocket area. Not the usual wallet biz, but the actual shape of that area! And you know what he did? He went out and bought himself a new ass! S' cuse me for such indecency, but THIS is what you people of 2008 are throwin' on the proverbial pile, round here!

Here is a quote from the article...
" At Butt For You, Christman says, 17,ooo butt pads were sold last year, a 39.4 percent increase over 2006. The customer base is 85 percent male. "

I wonder what kind of an audience musicians think you people are these days...
And now...
A song.

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