Tuesday, November 17, 2009

There's No Sheriff In Netsville: Love Vs Fashion On Twitter

Hello everybody! How are you today? That good?
Heh heh heh...
Well, apparently...some folks don't feel that way. Some folks like to feel bad and then post their feelings on the internet. They often share their bad thoughts about other people. The problem is that, sometimes, those people sue the pants of that first person for slander! And then some lawyer makes a million dollars!
Aint that some misbehavin! There aint no Sheriff in Netsville...

Here's what they are sayin'at CNN news:

Legal experts said it's difficult for the law to keep up with emerging technology.

"Generally, it is at least five years behind technology as it is developing," said Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, who tracks the intersection of law and technology....

Ask Courtney Love...

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