Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yes I'm in the Barrel

Hey Everybody! How y'all doin out there? It's Always nice here in Netsville. What? What did you just say?
Gas prices? Well I have no idea what that could mean, ya see...I'm inside the computer. I can travel as fast as a beam of sunshine if I wanted to. For free. But hold on a minute...lemme take look here...oh lordy...now I see what you're talkin' about. The gas prices seem to be rather unpleasant to look at. I can't remember ever havin' to spend THAT much money on it in my day.What kind of car needs THAT much gas, anyway?
The only car I ever really liked was when it was attached to a locomotive. You know they got one in Indianpolis that they made for little old me? Aint that sweet? My own locomotive!
Well...I guess that's what folks are gonna be doin' more often. Until they find out how to roll out the barrel for less. Oh that reminds me...I gotta little number that might be close
to how y'all might feel right about now. It's a tune that those nice people at muzic.com have up on their website.

Enjoy when you can...
